When you use a GCC compiler or a makefile to build your project, do you know the details behind this compiling ? Let me tell you what i see and what i know.
GCC Link Sequence Issue
GCC Link Background
GCC linker will link some object files to only one object file. During this time, it must replace all symbols(parameters/functions) to memory address(parameters address/functions address), for referring all sections in your object.
The most standard functions are located in “libc.a”(a means achieve), or located in shared dynamic lib “libc.so”(so means share object). these libs always located in /lib/
or /usr/lib/
or other folders of gcc finding setting.
Simple Case
1 | //test.c |
Use gcc test.c -o test
to make a quick compile, for making *.c to *.exe or *.bin.
four entire steps in Gcc Compile
1 | gcc -E sqltest.c -o sqltest.i //firstly, make *.c preprocessing to *.i |
Sequence issue in linking
if you use gcc 'mysql_configs --libs'sqltest.o -o sqltest
to make a link, you will get errors which said “undefined reference to xxx”. but why ?
because the finding sequence about symbols and libs of linking of GCC, is from Left to Right, according to -L
sequence. So the Mysql API in sqltest.o can not find its references if you put the mysql libs to the left place of the sqltest.o.
Put the lowest layer libs to the end of the linking command, like gcc obj($?) -l (top logic libs) -l (middle packeted libs) -l (system libs) -o $@
Or use repeat option to your linking command, make the “ld” keep finding refer libs in your command.
Other Usage on library connection
use readelf -d sqltest
or ldd sqltest
to see the reference connection of a .bin/.so/.lib.
Hope you have a strong makefile and happy compiling on your code.